Energy, detox, immune system boost, anti-aging, athletic, vegan, raw, super food,…
Discover our spirulina cultivated with Love and Consciousness in a preserved place in Pyrenees…


To choose your Ôde des Pyrénées’spirulina is:
An ecologic spirulina culture without herbicide, pesticide
European hygienes norms, analysed in lab
A spirulina cultivated in France away from pollution
Dry at low temperature (32°)
Product 100% non transformed, without anything add to maximise benefitial effects
Direct from producer to get a better price
Safe online sale, fast delivery
A sweet and delicious taste.

Who needs spirulina and why?
- Sportifs : an iron and protein spring to get fit and boost one’s performences.
- Diest : to loose wheight and gain muscles
- Vegetatian: to get iron, proteins, amino acids, vitamins
- For women : compensate iron loss.
- For the whole family : a super food that keeps you fit.
- To detox your body by eliminationg toxins and heavy metals.
- To boost your immune system and help you fight deseases and viruses
- To keep your skin and your body young with its anti-oxidants
- To balance your body acidity with its alcalin effects.
- To find back energy, tonys, vitality thanks to minerals and vitamins.

How to use it?
You can sprinkle your spirulina on every one of your dishes. You cand add it to smoothies, to salad sauces, …. To preserve its nutriments it is important not to cook it. So you can sprinkle it on top of your sweet or salty food right before eating it.
A very good way to use it is to mix one or two coffee spoon to a fresh orange juice. The C vitamin allow to tripple iron absorption.