Category: Blog

September’s recipe

kichidi a la spiruline

Kichdi recipe with chinese cabbage and spirulina 

Ingredients for 4 persons: 

  • 1 chinese cabbage
  • 1 onion
  •  300 gr bazmati rice
  • 300 gr corral lentilles
  • 25 cl soja cream
  • soja salsa (tamari, shoyu)
  • salt, olive oil
  • spirulina sprinkles

Cut and peel the onion, wash and cut chinese cabbage in large slices.  Cook the lot in a large pan or in a wok with olive oil.  Add vegetal cream at the end of the cooking. 

To cook the kichdi,  poor riece, corral lentilles in a pot with 600 cl of water and a salt pinch.  

Serve both kichdi and vegtables then spangle spirulina sprinkles.  Add soy sauce as you lik

August’s Smoothie

Smoothie with blueberries, spinach & spirulina

For 2 glasses :

  • 2 peaches 
  • 150 gr of blueberries
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 handful of fresh spinach
  • 2 coffee spoons of spirulina

Wash the peaches, blueberries and spinachs.  Blend or mix them.  Press the oranges and add the juice in the blender / recipient.  Sprinkle with two coffee spoons of spirulina.  Mix / blend everything together and enjoy.

Green smoothie with spirulina,spinach and blueberries