Category: Spirulina

Benefits & recommendations

Who needs spirulina and why ?

Spirulina is the favourite food of people who cares about their health.  It’s the ally of athletic people and vegetarians because it brings a lot of proteins and almost all the nutriments you need to be healthy; but also for people  who desires to regain energy, people who have iron deficiency, …

Among its benefits, there is especially these ones:

  • Detox (thanks to its flavonoids  which allow the evacuation of harmfuls elements like heavy metals).
  • Improvement of allergic symptoms.
  • Strengthening immune defenses.
  • Anti-aging (it contains  de la phycocyanin and  beta-carotenes which are antioxidants).
  • Tonus (it fills you up with minerals which help to fight against fatigue, improve performances for athletics people, especially with iron).

Source: VIDALO J-L, Spiruline, L’algue bleue de santé et de prévention,Ed. du Dauphin, pp. 179-186, 203-215, 255-261, 2016.

We recommend you to eat 1 or 2 coffe spoon of spirulina  (3 to 5 gr) per day for an adult.  People who are used to eat spirulina and who desire to have more benefits, like sportsmen who wants to improve their performance can increase the daily dosis gradually up to 10 gr a day.

Spirulina is contraindicated in case of phenylketonuria.

How can I use it ? Spirulina sprinkles is delicious.  You can simply add it to every dishes you prepare as salads, pastas, etc…. You can mix it to juices, smoothies, to sauces,…  It is better not to heat it to keep all its nutriments intact. Just  sprinkle it instead of cooking it.

What is spirulina?

A little bit of history…

Spirulina, it’s a micro-algae with exceptionnal virtues. Its scientific name is arthrospira platensis.  It grows naturally in salt and alkaline lakes in the geographical zone of the tropics in countries like Peru, Kenya,…  In some of them, it lives in symbiosis with pink flamingos.

It’s a very old form of life whose appereance on Earth goes back to 3,5 billions of years.  Thanks to its oxygen production, it allows life in our Planet.

Spirulina have been used from remote times, although it was discovered by scientifics in the 60,  it was already harvest and consumed for its amazing nutritionals benefits by Kanembu people from Chad (Africa), and ancient Aztecs (Mexico), just for few examples.


Why is it so exceptional ?

The composition of spirulina is unique in the world and it’s the more complete food for humans. It’s rich of an exceptional proteins concentration (60-70%), A et B vitamins, carbohydrates,  betacarotene, minerals and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc,…).  It  also contains phycocyanin, known as the best antioxidant.

Spirulina is often used in developing world to fight malnutrition. It needs less water than soy or meat production.  It contains more proteins, trace elements and nutrients that those foods.

The Mundial Health Organization named it aliment of 3rd millenium in 2017.
