Spirulina and environnement
Spirulina is eco-friendly culture. It requires 10 times less water then any other culture and do not need pesticides, …. Moreover, spirulina consumes a lot of CO2 and transform it to Oxygen.
We want to go deeper in an ecological production. To do so we are building a solar dehydrater to reduce our electricity consumption and we will produce our own soon. we are also re using water thanks to a phyto purification plant.
We use a steam desinfecter to clean our tools and locals. We offer some packaging without plastic, locally made and ecologic.

Control and quality
Our spirulina grows in a pollution free environnement in the french pyrenees. We are doing our best to offer a product of great quality and this is why our production is controlled by AQMC laboratory.
We are member of French Federation of Spirulina Producers and respect it’s good practices and quality guide.